Interior Design - Why Choose LED Lighting
When planning a new design for your home, decisions about colors, furniture, and flooring usually take a long time. What is often overlooked are the lighting, not the fixtures, but the places where the LED Light is generated and how this will affect the overall appearance of the interior. Getting natural light through windows or skylights is the most favorable option. Natural light is pure white, so it displays other colors without distortion and also brings natural warmth. Natural light is also free, so making the most of this resource can help reduce energy costs in the long run. Although highly desirable, natural light is not always available, especially during the winter months, when daylight is shorter. Other solutions need to be installed. As a general rule, dwellings in modern housing complexes are built in close proximity to each other, so that they can create more shadows and effectively steal natural light sources from each other. When planning the location of artificial...